Pinebi PAY Smart Wallet Application

PineBI Pay is to enable payments to be made with smartphones without the need for physical wallets.


E-Fatura" is an application implemented by the Revenue Administration Presidency (GİB) of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Finance with the aim of facilitating the lives of businesses in the digital world. It encompasses features designed to establish standards among parties, ensuring the secure and error-free circulation of invoices.


E-Arşiv" refers to the transition of invoices issued to taxpayers outside the scope of e-Invoice and to final consumers into electronic format. It is not the term used for archiving e-Invoices


It is a document that encompasses the processes of being sent to the buyer's mailbox through the application of the Revenue Administration Presidency, and the buyer conveying the acceptance or rejection status of the goods back to the seller through the same application

E-Invoice in Export

The provision stated in Article 11 of the Value Added Tax Law numbered 3065, dated 25/10/1984, covers those who will issue invoices for "Export of Goods and Accompanying Goods Exported with Passengers (sales subject to VAT for non-residents in Turkey)" within the scope of this article. They are required to issue e-Invoices.


The e-Invoice issued by the user in their own system is directly entered into the "Drafts" section in the application and the user can send the e-Invoice by clicking the "Send" button after checking it after clicking the "Send" button, the e-Invoice is first transmitted to the PineBI Connector E-Invoice Private Integrator systems and then forwarded to the invoice recipient via the GİB.
The e-Invoices issued to the user are sent to the "Incoming" box of the application after they are forwarded to the PineBI Connector e-Invoice Private Integrator systems by the GİB. The user can perform operations such as viewing, saving, accepting, or rejecting the incoming e-Invoice, as well as transferring the e-Invoices into their systems in case of "Incoming e-Invoice Integration" between the user systems and the application.
Thanks to the PineBI Connector application, the e-Invoice process can be executed as if an original solution of the user system is used. In addition, thanks to the application, the user has the opportunity to access the privileges and advantages of the PineBI Connector E-Invoice Special Integration Service during this challenging process.PineBI Connector is an e-Invoice, e-Ledger, and e-Archive Invoice application that can work in integration with different ERP and accounting systems. It has been developed to establish the connection between user systems and PineBI Connector e-Transformation Private Integration systems and to provide the user with the opportunity to manage E-Transformation processes easily, thanks to its simple interfaces.
After the application is installed on user systems, it integrates with user ERP or accounting systems thanks to database connections. The application also communicates via web services with PineBI Reconciliation e-Transformation Private Integrator systems.
After the e-Transformation application is installed on the user systems and integrated with the user systems, PineBI Reconciliation can manage the user e-Transformation processes from the application interfaces.

Application and Features

* The application provides a lot of convenience to the user in the management of "Incoming" and "Outgoing" invoices.
* The application can work in integration with LOGO, Mikro, Netsis, Promaks, and Metod software systems, which are the leading companies in the Turkish ERP market.
* Integration with any ERP or accounting system can be achieved by writing the necessary queries within the application. The queries required for this process should be written by the technical team on the user's side.
*More than one company can be defined in the application. (E-Invoice processes of more than one company can be managed with the installation on a single computer.)
* Multiple users with different authorizations can be defined within the application.
* The user can easily track incoming, outgoing, and draft invoices from the advanced left menu on the e-Invoice screen of the application.
*The application works in harmony with Innova IT integrator.

Pine Connector (E-Invoice Connector) hakkında merak ettikleriniz

  • Your company applies for a financial seal from KamuSM on the internet.
  • You sign a contract with Pinebi for e-Invoice (You can start the contracting process before the firm receives its financial seal)
  • When the financial seal reaches your company physically, you apply for an e-Invoice at for e-Invoice.
  • Pinebi starts your company's e-Invoice project. The customer Support Unit sends an identification link to your company.
  • Your company clicks on the identification link from Pinebi's Customer Support Unit and fills in the required fields with company information.
  • When your company completes its definitions, the information is automatically displayed on the screens of  Pinebi's Support Unit and the necessary controls are made. If there is no problem, an activation link is sent to the company.
  • Your company signs the activation link sent by Pinebi with its financial seal. In the meantime, it automatically notifies the Revenue Administration that it will use the e-Invoice application with Pinebi.
  • When the Revenue Administration approves, your company's processes are completed on the same day and included in the e-Invoice system.

Corporate Cap Application: If the legal person has a MERSIS Number, a copy of the Trade Registry Certification or Activity Certificate is taken from the Trade Registry Offices, containing the MERSIS Number registration and the trade registration number, the Corporate User Undertaking signed and stamped in accordance with the authorizations in the notarized circular of signatures. Valid official documents with photos and substitutes for identity cards, such as identity cards, passports, driver's licenses, and attorney's certificates, for identification of the persons they have designated as their authorized person. Notarized original copy of the notarized signature slides or notarized 'like the original' (incoming to TNB TECHNOLOGY center or on-site identity verification Companies benefiting from the service are subject to a photocopy of the circular signature, as a basis for seeing the original.) Photocopy of the Trade Registry Gazette, based on the signature circular of the applicant, which is declared to be the legal representative of the company. E-Signature Application Form Photocopy of the official document with a photo, such as identity card, passport, driver's license, and a copy of the document, if the information of the institution you work for is to be added to the certificate, the original of the "Chamber of Commerce Activity Certificate" and the photocopy of the signature circular of the company official, provided that it is not older than 6 months. Together with the KEP application documents, they must be personally submitted to the identity verification center by the processing officer. In the e-signature package selected together with the corporate KEP account, the identity verification process of the person who will receive the e-signature can be done at the Headquarters, at our branch, and at our TNB TECHNOLOGY dealers. It can be done by a notary.

Within the scope of the communiqué published by the Revenue Administration on 19 October 2019, taxpayers whose annual turnover exceeded 5 million TL in 2018 or subsequent years were obliged to switch to e-Invoice and e-Ledger applications until 1 July 2020.

Other groups that are required to pass without a turnover limit are as follows:

  • Taxpayers who have obtained a license from EPDK for the manufacture, import, and delivery of goods in the ÖTV I list,
  • Those who manufacture, construct and import goods in the list with SCT III,
  • Intermediary service providers are defined in the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, as website owners or operators who publish advertisements for the sale and rental of real estate and motor vehicles on the Internet, and Internet advertising service intermediaries that act as an intermediary in the publication of advertisements on the Internet,
  • Taxpayers who trade fruit and vegetables as a broker or trader,

According to the legislation published by the GİB, the Electronic Invoice Application (e-Invoice Application) has been put into service with the publication of the General Communiqué on Tax Procedure Law No. 397. e-Invoice Application is the general name of the applications created with the aim of ensuring the safe and healthy circulation of e-invoices between the parties in accordance with the defined standards. Users benefiting from the e-Invoice Application; They can send e-Invoices to users registered in the system, receive e-Invoices from users registered in the system, download sent or received e-invoices to their computers, keep them electronically and submit them when requested. In accordance with the General Communiqué of the Tax Procedure Law No. 416, the taxpayers who have to issue an invoice in accordance with Article 232 of the Tax Procedure Law No. 213 can benefit from the e-Invoice Application. Taxpayers who want to issue and send an e-Invoice must first create a User Account of their own on the e-Invoice Application. Taxpayers whose User Account is defined will be able to use the e-Invoice Application through integration or through the e-Invoice Portal.

e-Invoice has exactly the same legal qualifications as a paper invoice, in this respect, there is no difference. However, when processes such as creation-shipping-sending-storage are taken into account, e-Invoice is a digital application that offers superior advantages compared to paper invoices with the savings it provides in time and space.

After switching to the e-Invoice system, can continue to issue paper invoices for 7 days.

Connector; In the absence of cooperation or direct integration with the ERP, accounting, and pre-accounting software used by the taxpayer, it is the model in which the taxpayer provides invoice management thanks to the integration of the private integrator with an intermediate software.

There are 2 different scenario types in e-Invoice: "Basic" and "Commercial". It is an invoice type that is mostly used in service invoices since there are no accept-reject options for basic invoices. Based on the basic invoices, a "return" invoice can be issued or canceled by external ways KEP-NOTER). Commercial invoice, on the other hand, is the invoice scenario with "accept" and "reject" response alternatives within the legal deadlines. Two new ones were added to the basic and commercial invoice scenarios in 2017. These scenarios are; “Passenger accompanying goods invoice (Tax-free) and “Export registered invoice” scenarios.

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