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Consultancy service

Consultancy We believe that the success of the project in ERP installations depends on the quality and continuity of the service provided rather than the quality of the software. That's why we attach great importance to project management. We continue the care we show in the production of the software without interruption during its installation and adaptation.

Consultancy service Faydaları

Software development Localization, new developments, and interface design are part of our wide range of services. Teknoliva consultants and programmers are always ready for your special ERP requests. Our specially trained personnel are always at your side with their control tasks, even after the software project. Teknoliva starts working with the customer on projects that require customer-specific ERP development, with the planning and preparation of special requests. Required software tools are selected together with the customer. Several points are taken into account when deciding on this: • Performance • Application time • Ease of maintenance • Portability • Object-based programming

We believe that the success of the project in ERP installations depends on the quality and continuity of the service provided rather than the quality of the software. That's why we attach great importance to project management. We continue the care we show in the production of the software without interruption during its installation and adaptation.

We plan all kinds of consultancy and inspection steps from the beginning in order to ensure that our customers work with this meticulousness within the project.
This care we show to project management and implementation steps brings success.
To summarize the steps briefly;

• Project preparation
We start by creating a project team consisting of personnel and managers who know your processes well in your company under the control of a project manager selected from our experienced consultants. The next step is for the team to determine the project goals and prepare a rough project plan in line with the goals. With an event to be held afterward, we ensure that the project is explained to the whole company and we start the project.

• Analysis
At this stage, the aim is to examine your processes in detail and to identify positive change points that will be experienced in your business throughout the project. This step consists of three stages: In the first step, we review your company's workflows. In the second step, we identify the necessary improvement and simplification points on existing workflows to create new workflows. In the last step, the project team creates your new workflows in line with the targets.

• Detailed planning
After the analysis phase, the project team prepares a detailed adaptation plan, taking into account all your needs, according to the emerging new flows. At this stage, we have also determined the special software development points that your company will need.

• Implementation
In this step, the necessary works for the adaptation of the system are implemented step by step in line with the detailed plan. These usually consist of data transfer, an adaptation of parameter tables, end-user training, the development of additional software, and modular and integration tests. Planned milestones are reported as they are completed under the control of the project team and announced to the entire company through interim events.

• Completion of the project
When all the milestones within the plan are completed, the project team analyzes the achieved goals and results and prepares the project closing report. At the end of the project, the team announces the benefits of the new system and the results of the project to the entire company at an event it will organize.

• Support
We are aware that the continuation of success after a successful project depends on the quality of the support. We regularly offer all services such as eliminating system errors, transferring legislative changes, and installing new versions, within the framework of support agreements. As at the beginning of the project, our team continues to produce fast and precise solutions to your developing needs at this stage.

Seminars and Training

The ever-increasing competition conditions in the globalizing world have made the concepts of unlimited customer satisfaction and total quality an indispensable understanding. Companies have to follow, understand and apply professional developments and management methods in the world in order to survive in these fierce competition conditions. With this understanding, education should be considered an uninterrupted process. Staff at all levels should be trained in line with company needs.

Teknoliva's mission of "continuous improvement" helps you to reveal the difference of your company by improving the competencies of your employees in line with their personal and corporate needs, with its knowledge and experience and expert staff who have proven their expertise.

Teknoliva's mission of "Continuous Development" helps you to reveal the difference of your company by improving the competencies of your employees in line with their personal and corporate needs, with its trainer staff who have proven their knowledge and experience, and expertise.

Project Implementation and Management
Teknoliva offers strong consultancy and superior training services with its distinguished staff, dynamic structure, international experience, knowledge gained from large-scale projects, and high technology created by itself. Teknoliva carries out the projects it deals with meticulously in order to ensure that the product it offers fully adapts to the organic structure of its customers and to ensure unconditional customer happiness, and gives utmost importance to the preliminary preparations necessary for this. For this purpose, the project organization, pre-study, and execution phases must be completed completely before the transition to the active system.

Project Implementation Stages

• Project organization:
Determination of project goals and objectives, project management, project control plan, cost plan
• Preliminary study:
Determining the current situation, determining the needs and wishes, determining the rate of meeting the requests, analysis of the weak points in the business, preparation of the solution report
• Execution:
Identification of priorities, determination of what will be transferred from the old system, draft work for modifications, determination of data and workflows, detailed work for modifications
• Transition to the productive system:
Programming the interface and modifications, training of users, simulation of production conditions, data entry into the system, analysis of the suitability of the system for purposes, system optimization

Working System of PineBI

After the first contact with the customer, Teknoliva first organizes an introductory meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to obtain information about the company, carry out preliminary activities for further studies, and to introduce the services offered to the customer.
The next stage is a promotional activity that will be carried out again at the request of the client company. During this promotion made specifically for the company, care is taken to meet the specific problems of the customer. As a result of this meeting, a proposal can be presented to the client company or it is directed to the "System Analysis" study, which is the cornerstone of a possible project. The aim of system analysis is to reveal the organic structure of the company,

• organizational structure
• workflows
• job descriptions
• computing infrastructure
• human resource profile
• internal and external data and document flow
• internal and external material flow
• Production technology
To make a detailed examination of the existing system in terms of optimization of processes and to document the work performed. As a result of the system analysis, the answer to the question of how much the company's needs are met is also obtained. Functions that cannot be met can be developed in line with the customer's request.

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